Posts Tagged ‘Peter Schweizer’


March 23, 2016


Who doesn’t hate K Street lobbyists? If you’ve read EXTORTION, How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets; by Peter Schweitzer, you know how toxic and corrupting the flow of money and the counter-flow of influence are to the process of governing at every level, from county to federal, and at every step between.

You know that between bribes and blackmail, there is no more than a handful of people in political leadership positions in Washington or in any other body of American government who are not owned or rented by somebody, and/or currently for rent.

What is the one, most damning, yet eminently provable charge a person could lodge against Donald Trump? What does he not only admit, but brag about?


His successes in business are at least to a great degree, attributable to his exercise of influence (read: MONEY) on politicians and regulators, and their willingness to do his will. He has admitted to that — and even bragged about it — on uncounted occasions.

HE IS A LOBBYIST not for some third party — a company, a union, an industry association, or for a foreign government, or a massive bank — but FOR HIMSELF. He is a lobbyist for Donald Trump, Inc. He buys, or rents, influence and favors, from people who are willing to do that business with him.

Giving a lobbyist the big chair in the Oval Office, letting him occupy the position any lobbyist would sell his soul to influence, just doesn’t seem like a good idea. Trump is not Satan, and he’s not Hitler or Stalin, or Mussolini. He’s a lobbyist, and I just don’t relish the thought of a lobbyist as president.